Recipe: Delicious Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio

Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio.

Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio You can cook Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio

  1. It's 2 of whole sea bass.
  2. You need 2 of garlic cloves.
  3. It's 250 g of cherry tomatoes.
  4. You need of Parsley.
  5. It's of Olive oil.
  6. You need of Salt.
  7. You need 30 ml of white wine(optional).

Sea Bass with cherry tomatoes al cartoccio step by step

  1. Find in your kitchen the cherry tomatoes, parsley (fresh or dry) and garlic cloves :). Cut the cherry tomatoes in half..
  2. Place the sea bass, cherry tomatoes, garlic cloves, parsley and salt on the strong foil, don't forget to previously add some olive oil to make a nice slippery bed..... add some more olive oil on top and the finally (optional) add 30ml of white wine.... if not, just drink it ;) why not!.
  3. Close the "cartoccio" to allow the steam to stay in..... Place it in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 mins..
  4. Ta'da.....!.
  5. Enjoy! Buen provecho! :).
